Book covers

Bibliography of the Lodz Ghetto (Bibliografia Getta Ludzkiego).
The first cover illustrates hands in the act of Jewish blessing. The simplicity symbolises purity and the blue colour brings the Jewish culture in life, as it is very common in the works of Jewish painters and in Jewish subjects in general. Due to simplicity of the cover, the typography becomes a focal point. It is inspired by the style of Hebrew writing - the game between thick and thin lines as well as a combination of geometric and organic styles dramatise to the design.
The second cover is very emotional, as it depicts a young boy in the tragic reality in which he found himself. There is a lot of calmness and patience in this dramatic image. I choose a typography that would continue this aesthetics – the contrast between narrow and wide letters despite their calmness and balanced bring certain anxiety into the design. The colours of the cover remain in sad shades of grey.
The black colour of the Pop Culture (Czarny kolor Pop-Kultury).
The design refers to the idea of the western pop culture and it’s most iconic style – the pop-art. The illustration depicting an Islamic woman with her face covered is created in a comic strip cartoons style. The style is loud and expressive, it uses the primary colours – yellow and red with a black and white elements. The typography follows the style – the words are made up with different letter sizes and are placed in the graphics common in cartoons.

Homo Nudus – naturism in a social perspective.
The design is based on different frames stacked on each other, where the nudity is in focus, as embraced by the nature. Working with frames on one hand separates both: the body and the nature, yet the natural and calm look of both topics unites them. The simplicity and calmness brings a very harmonious feeling into the design.