The bubble.

CGI by OTTO is a brand within OTTO, that specialises in creating computer generated images for their home and living department. The task was to work with an already existing logo and typeface to create a modern, innovative CI around them. I decided to build the concept around the topic of a "New Reality”, focusing on one of the core competencies of CGI by OTTO: 3D. Beside creating an inspiring, personal and innovative look, I wanted the design to be very dimensional, haptic, free and floating.

Starting with the logo, I redesigned the claim. to enhance the feeling of dynamism and innovation I kept it in all caps and the same angle as the logo. I added dots after each value to create a floating effect through their lowered position.

The brand icon is a bubble, and I decided to keep the main idea for the branding around it: I art-directed 3D bubble forms, that create a fascinating, super real and multi-faceted visual language. We decided to go with the 3 shapes: the full, hollow and multi-bubble - all floating on the various branded materials of the CGI by Otto.

Beside the 3D bubble I also expanded on the topic of dimension through haptic textures, that derive from the ‘home and living’ theme: soft, hard, smooth and rough — textures with a lot of structure and depth properties.