Sztuka Unikalna
An anti-fashion project.
Sztuka Unikalna (Polish for a “Unique Piece”) is an anti-fashion project that focuses on people, by challanging the idea how clothes shape our perception about the people wearing them. It is about changing the perspective from a unique piece to a unique person. Sztuka Unikalna plays on this duality. It can refer to a unique piece of clothing as a piece of art, or to the people wearing it — who are unique pieces of art themselves, one of a kind. Thus celebrating diversity and encouraging people to be who they really are. The goal of the project is to empower people to be confident with themselves, to be aware of what they want and how they want to live their lives.

The typography is handwritten — the customized letters create a unique unit. The logo has a lot of freedom. It is written in one stroke, which makes it light but strong, confident and aware.

The main symbol of Sztuka Unikalna project is a white t-shirt with an embroidered ‘Sztuka Unikalna’ on a front.